When the Chips Are Down (Or When the Casts Come Off)....
I've become someone famous.
But just until the swelling goes down more.
A lot more.
Dr. Fantabulistic Jason is still happy. I'm trusting him on this one.
I was wandering about da net looking up cliches this afternoon in an attempt to flesh out a description of how some particular thing angers me and then I got so sidetracked by cliches that I've lost the will to post about the anger.
It'll come back, I'm sure. The next time I open up my email.
But, for now, cliches! Although, a lot of them appear to do with insanity which may come in handy in this corner of my world someday but they're just not what I'm looking for.
I think that 98% of them originate in the United States. We need a little more multi-culturalism here, people! Anyone have any about anger to add?
madder than a wet hen
all bent out of shape
to blow a gasket
chewing nails and spitting tacks
to flip your lid
to go postal
to go through the roof
to hit the roof
to have a cow
to pop a vein
i'm madder than a yak in heat
madder than a packet of
Chewits (?!)
madder than a bull with a burr up its ass
madder than a drunk pig on fermented cabbage
madder than the mad hatter on national no-hats day
the obvious heart waits here to heal
and balances out a subtle reveal
Article originally appeared on if you're not a penguin...shut it (http://www.airbornepathojen.com/).
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