Whaths Tha Ooo Thay?
Monday, July 25, 2005 at 05:38PM
I just had a thousand dollars (7 teeth) worth of "perm acid/etch/bond". I didn't know my teeth were supposed to LINE UP and be cute and straight along their little edges. They are not used to this and are worse since the accident, apparantly.
I can't feel my face. I can't eat. I am starving.
I also just moved *400* emails out of an account they want me to PAY for.
Which makes me gnarly.
So go below and vote before I bite your ear off with my new teeth while I can't feel flesh tearing away from your scalp.
Article originally appeared on if you're not a penguin...shut it (http://www.airbornepathojen.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.