Grasping At Straws
Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 05:24PM
I had a really good hair day today.

That's something.

Actually, no one's talking to me so I had a pretty good day all around. heh.

I went to bed at 8:30 last night and barely made it up this morning, except the cat was being really annoying so I rolled over and started to poke him. poke. poke. poke.

He wrapped his little hands around my arm and bit me.

Which made me laugh at him because all his teeth are broken off and it's like being attacked by a big ... whatever. Something with no teeth.

So, I laughed and poked some more.

And he ran up and over to my head, dug his claws in (just enough to hold me still) and started biting my head. Not an ear or my nose or pulling on my hair, but actually trying to get his mouth open far enough to fit the top my skull into it.

Poor thing. He's not very bright and he just can't win with me, can he? I empathize. I feel his frustration.

It's my little revenge on the rest of the world. We all spend some time not winning and right now, it's my time so he has to suffer as well.

Except that, from his point of view, it's really not suffering at all is it? The universe doesn't poke poke me and then give me cream and cuddle me. Oh no.

Anyways, I made a decision today.

Like, you know, the quotes over there aren't any kind of hint.

The decision was about worth. What's worth it. What isn't. And today, I decided something wasn't. I'm sure you're all smart enough to figure out what that is, but it's going to remain unspoken for a little while longer.

Article originally appeared on if you're not a penguin...shut it (
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