An orange crush, that is.
On my head.
It's just that after two hours of bleach and with another 45 minutes of dye ahead, I was too sick of my own hair to bother getting the rest of the brown/red out.
Besides, I tell myself that I can carry it off - it's been worse colors. YJ, remember the shining white beacon of the last time I went back to my own color at AQ?
Oh, and tomorrow, I'm going to test a new photo site out so I've been getting pictures together for the comparison of the before-and-after-accident-Jen to post, which has involved trying to find some side-on shots.
Most of the ones that exist were taken with Lacey. I think you already know, YJ, how much those pictures mean to me - but every time I put that CD in - they mean even more. I can't ever thank you enough.

*click to biggify*
Sometimes I wonder, when I've got photoshop, why I don't take the extra five minutes to
erase the pimples. *sheesh*
let the bass from the speakers run through ya sneakers
Article originally appeared on if you're not a penguin...shut it (
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