The new quotes over there on the right are a reflection of how I feel about yoga.
After picking up The Yoga Face from the library a couple of weeks ago and reading a little bit I started trying a few of the poses.
Now, I'm not going to get all up on the bandwagon here, cause I'm not a bandwagon 'hot new thing' kind of person. Not that that's a bad thing. It's just not who I am. I won't be rushing out to buy a mat. I'm not going to participate in group classes. Especially the smelly ones. I'm not going to say much about it, except this once.
I'm not looking for some hot body (cause in fact, my body's pretty damn good for 38). I'm not looking for inner peace, revelation or to be one with my inner consciousness.
I'm just trying to loosen up. Stretch it out. Move it around in a gentle way that isn't going to make me worse. This seems to do it.
Someone asked me the other day if I was feeling better since I'd been off work and the answer to that is... I feel less stressed. But, are the headaches better? No.
Is it working? I dunno. Will it? I dunno. Movement, however, is always a good thing.
And it seriously amuses the cats.