Don't Talk To Me About the News
Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 03:41PM

Daily I am saddened and highly disgusted with the entire human race in general.

A couple of weeks ago I mistakenly looked at the paper sitting on the desk at work only to learn that less than a week after the US government gave AIG an $85 BILLION bailout, the corporation held a week-long retreat for it's executives where they ran up a tab of $444,000.

Sadly, I don't even need to turn on the TV or pick up a paper to see how horrifying this world has become.

All I need to do is go to work.

In a hospital where, at any given time, 3 or 4 wards are isolated because antibiotic resistant things are spreading - in no little part because you can watch an underpaid, uncaring, privatized cleaner wipe out a toilet with a rag that is then accidentally dropped on the floor, only to be picked up and used to clean the sink.

In a department that employs roughly 25 people on a weekday, any given day of which 4 or 5 people call in 'sick'. One banner day last week we had 10 people off.

So, don't talk to me about the news. Don't talk to me about "helping my fellow man". Frankly, my fellow man doesn't need any help these days - he's entitled to the best of the best without having to take responsibility for actually working for it, much less deserving it.  Cause when it all goes to shit - someone will bail him out.  Regardless of what an uncaring, bigoted, useless ass he is in real life.

My "fellow man" can kiss my ass. I haven't seen him around helping me out in the last couple years. He's been hanging out denying his culpability for the state of the world with all the time-honored institutions in this country as they show us how they deny responsibility for their own actions.

After a day of providing the best patient care - to people who could actually use a little help - with as much heart and grace as I can muster in the conditions of my workplace, under the circumstances of this world and the overwhelming stress of my own life, I've given all I can.

Whatever I've got left won't go to charities I can't afford, lazy-ass motherfuckers who need to grow the fuck up, executives/ governments/ businesses who take no responsibility, mentoring university students who think they deserve B's for showing up to class, picking up garbage after mental midgets or volunteering at food banks when I myself can barely afford to eat.

No, what I've got left goes only in the direction of those that deserve it. In my opinion, the creatures large and small that our inhumane race damages more every day with as much careless disregard as they show everything else.

Given a choice between picking a fallen child up off a sidewalk because their mother can't be bothered to and picking up a worm to deposit back on safe ground...well...

At the end of the day, I give a little back to them. In return, they give to me and make my world and the world in general a better place to live in.

The rest of you? You're on your own, man.

(I'm still playing around with video - if these suck or if you'd like to see them in a larger format, you can go here to view them on Smugmug.)

Article originally appeared on if you're not a penguin...shut it (
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