Fits and Starts
Monday, July 7, 2008 at 05:16PM

Well, writing more often doesn't seem to be working out well for me, does it? I was just sitting here thinking that maybe I'd make a bullet list cause I do have a few things to say but none of them really have anything to do with any of the others. A kind of "Thursday Thirteen" but, uh, on a Monday.

1. First, my horoscopes for today.

Gemini (May 21 — June 21)

Do not be bullied by someone's controlling ways. Psychologically, emotionally and even materially, you stand to benefit if you follow your heart's path. A tricky time of your life is nearing completion. Deep satisfaction approaches.

Cancer (June 22 — July 22)

Everything hangs on the outcome of a process of negotiation. It's got you feeling like a puppet on a string. But the more you see yourself as a victim of circumstance, the more you will become one. Your position is far stronger than you know.

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22)

There may be turmoil in your life, but it needn't derail your dreams. Set your sights on the big picture. That dust cloud on the horizon is not a storm, it's the cavalry. And they will reach your beleaguered fort by sundown.

Why three? Well, I'm a sun sign Cancer, a rising sign Leo and a something else Gemini (the category escapes me at the moment) and so I normally read all three from the Toronto Star. Yes, Toronto is really far away from me but for some reason, they seem to have the most consistent horoscopes in regards to moi.

2. This is all related to the fact that for the last year my life has been STUCK with nothing that needed to be done getting anywhere at all. Everyone has been telling me for months that in July this year it would finally be time for it to become unstuck and all the things I'd been working towards and getting nowhere on would begin to domino to success. We can only hope. Considering that in four days I'll be 39 and frankly, that's all the bad news I need this month.

3. In 2007 you may remember that I had a mother raccoon (Rowan) and her four babies that stopped by to eat. In the world of raccoons, the babies stay with the mother from birth (usually Mayish) then are driven away the following Februaryish to find their own territories. My smart little'uns have overlapped their own personal territories to include the house of Jen. Now, at odd hours of the day and night, they all swing by to pick up breakfast or dinner (and in one freakish case, lunch). I don't see Rowan much - she's been hit by a car I think and one of her arms no longer works - so that leaves me with four most days. Last night, however, they mobbed me all at the same time and there were SIX. And that's still not including Rowan. I guess they're picking up strays along the way.

I cannot, of course, blame them for this.

Right now, as I type, there are two outside the screen door watching me.

4. I'm still working on growing my hair out and at this point it's about all one length down to my ears. At my last trim, my hairstylist, Derrinda, commented that it had been an awfully long time since she'd done a "Dorothy Hamill". Ack. Alas, she is correct, I have a version of the wedge from the 70's. Although, it's really quite a bit more like her later hairstyle (or it would be if I actually made an effort to style it.)



I wish I had her chin. And her mouth.

5. The condo goes up for sale in August. After a couple of months of trying to come up with viable options re: renos, I've finally just decided to save myself the stress, pay someone to clean it and sell the bitch. I don't even want to go back to it - I said goodbye to it when I left. I don't need to do it again.

Whatever it sells at, I'll still come away with a minimum of 100k. Once I pay off the mortgage, pay out the debt the military has caused, invest 10k in a friend's business, get the four crowns I need at the dentist's and a few other things, I'll still have roughly $65k in the bank. How greedy does one need to be?

6. That way, any money I end up with from the military is just a bonus. Really. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

7. These days, I work part time (.70 of a full time job) Once the debt from my injury is covered, I can work even less than that and want for nothing. Semi-retirement looks good on me and I think I'd like to keep it.

7. I am currently drinking a $30 bottle of South Australian wine called "Cockfighter's Ghost". Apparantly it's named after an explorer's horse that drowned in the Wollombi Brook. Although, the website doesn't explain anything about the "legend". Ah well.

South Australian wines have an impact on my memory palate, one that's mostly good.

8. The land (MY land) on Galiano Island ended up selling for $91,500. However perfect it was, the timing isn't right during this stuck-ness that is my life. I keep an eye on land on the islands. It's all I can do.

9. I've rolled the osteopath, chiropractor and active release modalities into a new doctor - one who practices the Australian Bowen Technique and it seems to be taking the recovery of my back to the next level. I'd plateaued there for a while and now, again, I'm seeing some more progress.

10. Of course, I haven't given up my biweekly hour and a half deep tissue massage. I'm not crazy.

11. The new doctor is also set to start some EFT therapy next session (Emotional Freedom Technique). The very pinnacle of woo-woo.

12. Woo-woo therapies have gotten me farther than I'd ever thought I'd get, though, and I'm willing to give another one a shot.

13. Now me and my Dorothy Hamill hair and this glass of Cockfighter's Ghost are heading out to the porch for a smoke with a few raccoons. Sweet dreams, all.

Article originally appeared on if you're not a penguin...shut it (
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