What? A post?
Friday, January 9, 2009 at 03:48PM

Hrm.  Well, I was actually going to come in and post my grand and ambitious plan for 2009.  I thought that might be right exciting since my last grand plan was joining the army and leaving for basic training and look how interesting that made the last 3ish years.

However, I got all entwined amidst trying to clean up some of my favorites by moving them to blogrolling (which has been un-updateable for months, where the fuck have I been?).

There's been a shift.  A big shift.  And it's weird.  And ambitious.

But, it's almost midnight here in the rainforest and after five days off, I've got to get up at 6 am so I can be late for work.  (It's a bus thing.)

I'll probably be back.  Soonish.

Article originally appeared on if you're not a penguin...shut it (http://www.airbornepathojen.com/).
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