Desperately Seeking...
Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 11:13AM

It's a Saturday night at 6 pm and although I've done all the work available, I'm still 4 hours from the end of this shift.  At some point in the last year these slow afternoon shifts have become something I dread.  I've never been very good at sitting around wasting time and being in the work environment doesn't lend itself to studying, surfing or reading, at least for me.  Inevitably, by the time 6 pm rolls around I'm desperately trying not to stab myself in the neck with a pen just so I'll have something to 'do'.

Contemplating a week or two in Jeff's truck - someone suggested I take up knitting.  Seems to me that may be a decent way to deal with work as well.

Article originally appeared on if you're not a penguin...shut it (
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