Holy Mary Mother of GOD

Let me just take a brief moment to put forward my considered opinion that there is definitely a sort of sado-masochistic 'acquired taste' element to this leg waxing thing.
Within seconds, you're twisting slowly about on the floor in agony staring at the ingredients on the box by your face and thinking ... well, it's made from honey, fructose, vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Glucose, water and lemon juice for god's sake - maybe I can just use the rest of it as a dessert spread.
'nuff said.
let's have a lyric instead...
drop a heart, break a name
Within seconds, you're twisting slowly about on the floor in agony staring at the ingredients on the box by your face and thinking ... well, it's made from honey, fructose, vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Glucose, water and lemon juice for god's sake - maybe I can just use the rest of it as a dessert spread.
'nuff said.
let's have a lyric instead...