
A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it's better than no inspiration at all.

~Rita Mae Brown
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.

~Alfred Adler


On The Bedside Table
  • NOS4A2
    by Joe Hill
My Now
Old Writey Bits
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She-bang She-bang

I wanted to name my trip "The Unadulterated Boogaloo Tour" mostly because my ex-boyfriend Mike in Banff had a t-shirt that said that on it and I love/loved it. I actually have a picture of the t-shirt but alas! no scanner, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

ANYWAYS, I looked up "boogaloo" on the lovely 'net and there's the Wikipedia definition and then there's the definition I have in my head when it's paired with unadulterated which is really just out and out unselfconscious joy of life, even though the 'real' definitions don't actually support that in any way - it's just the way those two words make me FEEL.

Which brings me to the point of my story (sad as I think you're going to find it) - Cabot is a nice clean kitty, but for some reason, he just doesn't ever get around to cleaning his eyes, even before Yeti traumatized him by poking him in the orbs repeatedly.

About two weeks ago I inadvertently called him "BOOGER-loo" and now I can't stop.

Seriously, I cannot stop calling the cat BOOGER-loo.

It's very sad. I'm embarrassed. For both of us.

In other animal news, I guess I didn't latch the door properly last night after all that tequila out on the deck cause when I got up at 5:30 to feed the annoying whiny chatty catty whyaren'tyouupfeedingme? poke poke huh? huh? hello? poke poke caterwauling feline boogerloo that ILOVEVERYMUCH the front door was wide open.

Bad idea, in the rainforest, on a farm.

Thanks to Experiment in Anonymity and the fantastic What's That Bug? site, I can now tell you that the SIX monstrous bugs who availed themselves of my open-door hospitality last night were....

...Giant Crane Flies. Okay, now, these things have always scared me cause they have those big EYES and they grow like 2.5 inches long and with a wingspan of a further 3 inches. ICK!

The nastiest thing about them though (that has haunted me for years) is that when they fly near you and you batbat at them, they don't go away.

In fact, they seem to get pissed off and then will repeatedly fly AT YOU until you can manage to wrestle them down and kill them and their huge googly eyes and five foot legs.

Now, I know and you know they can't really get pissed off because they are bugs and they basically have no brains but somewhere out there has to be someone who can back me up on this because I will insist to my last breath that that's exactly what's going on.

Angry bugs. Buzzing the towers in an instinctual move for revenge and relief from their irrational anger towards humans.

To my last breath.

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Reader Comments (1)

i hate those things. they live in our back yard in the shadowy damp spots. creepy little beggars. i hate the way they kind of bumble about as they fly, bumping into things like they're drunk. of course, that's just a clever ruse designed to throw you off. their real intent is to suck on your brain. and i do all my own brain sucking, thanks.
July 14, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjames
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