
A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it's better than no inspiration at all.

~Rita Mae Brown
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.

~Alfred Adler


On The Bedside Table
  • NOS4A2
    by Joe Hill
My Now
Old Writey Bits
My Thanks
Matt Fitzhardinge - Alaskan dogsledding header picture


Hep Me! Hep Me!  Please!

Things are heating up! There's some neck-in-neck action with a couple names.... If you haven't voted, please do it now.

I know there's more than 13 of you out there, dammit!

I've been kicking around the idea of buying a domain for the trip (which will just redirect to here) SO here's a list of .com's that are available - I want it to be something easy for people to remember (for the tshirts).

I know that Jen,also likes Jeninmotion but the Canadians will understand why that feels a bit weird / wrong. I could still call it the 'Jen in Motion' Tour if I wanted but just have a different domain. ie: visit Jen in Motion @ booger.com. The trip portion of the site will be in a separate 'journal' like it is now but it'll become the main page when I start travelling. You know what I mean, I'm sure.

The name doesn't even have to have anything to do with the trip - it just needs to be catchy and easy to remember.

Anyways, I know I do this to you guys every six freakin' months or so but this is all so important to me and honestly, it's time to admit that the other original name isn't going to be the domain - even though it may still be the 'official' name.

There's a 'sale' on until July 30th so I need to do this FAST. Some of them will already be familiar from previous go-rounds but just think! once the domain's bought then I'll shut up for a little while!

So tell me which one you like, what you think you'd remember if you ran into me in Bali or Costa Rica or a street in the US, what you think fits what you know of me and my sense of humor or whatever - there'll be one that jumps out. (You can suggest as well, although I shudder to say that).

Peaches, all, you are.

Master of My Domain
Which one do I buy?



Whaths Tha Ooo Thay?

I just had a thousand dollars (7 teeth) worth of "perm acid/etch/bond". I didn't know my teeth were supposed to LINE UP and be cute and straight along their little edges. They are not used to this and are worse since the accident, apparantly.

I can't feel my face. I can't eat. I am starving.

I also just moved *400* emails out of an account they want me to PAY for.

Which makes me gnarly.

So go below and vote before I bite your ear off with my new teeth while I can't feel flesh tearing away from your scalp.


You Say Po-Tay-Toe, I Say Po-Tat-O

I spent part of my morning looking for a small computer part named (obviously) by some male computer nerd who had some (as I hear they all do) unnatural and over-the-top fixation with his dangly bits.

A dongle.

It truly is hard to say that with a straight face. Especially to very young andun-ethnic-ly afroed spawn of the afore-mentioned nerds who must spend more time getting his hair like that then I do in my daily commute.

However, the dongle has been acquired and is now allowing me to type this to you from the comfort of my porch...

...while I recover from the glee of the $70 I just made by accepting an emergency call...

...while I try to figure out why on earth people who are in a hurry go into stores at 11 am on Saturdays and then blame it on everyone else. Rudely. Loudly...

...and additionally, what arrogance possesses people who seem to believe that grocery store aisles exist for them and them alone.

COURTESY. It's what's wrong with the world.


A Donation to the Cause

Today, I received my long and eagerly anticipated IBM Thinkpad 560 from the gracious and lovely Jen,also.

It's a light one alright and although I get the feeling I won't be taking it with me - unless I can find a way to get a USB port in there - it will definately make me a happy happy girl for now and be a huge help in figuring out what I will actually require in a laptop (besides low cost) before I go.

The phone company technicians are all locked out this week - meaning they won't move, add or repair any phones unless it's life-threatening. Which is fine, really, except that they can't seem to agree with us that a phone line in sayyyyy, an operating room or an ER area would fall into that category.

They're figuring it's gonna be a long haul - like 6 months. On a contract they've been trying to work out for something over FOUR years. I'm on call for the next 10 days.

Could be fun.

Let's face it though - since I have no job in three weeks - I could use the cash and since I know I won't be doing this much longer - it makes it a million times easier to take.

So, this weekend I start (again) running to train for basic (the accident pretty much blew any physical fitness I had), start studying for the test next week, hang out on the porch playing with my new laptop (and hopefully writing you some more interesting posts), walking the beach, mentally preparing myself for a marathon session at the dentist in the spirit of getting it all done while I can (this bit all free on the plan I only have for three more weeks) and reading a few of the 8 or 9 books I've now got hanging around since I stopped at the library on the way home.

Suddenly,with most of the stress in my life disappearing over the horizon it seems to be looking like a perfect weekend to me. The first one in a long while.


Is It Thursday Already?

Am I still happy I quit my job?


Am I really happy I only have two days left with the bitch before she goes on vacation and I don't ever have to see her again?


Was it fun to go for family dinner and watch them think, as always, all the wrong "she's gone and fucked up again with absolutely no planning" things when I said, "I quit my job."?

Finally, yes.

Have I got a medical terminology exam I have to CRAM for next friday so I can get benefits and application privileges with the union after I leave but I took the course in 1992?


Have I got a mad cat that needs lots of kisses?


Do I have to start running this weekend so basic training in September doesn't make me puke in between the pitiful weeping?


Do I have a story or two to tell you?

Of course.

Will it be today?



Time For Another Change

I gave my notice at work today. 28 days.

Lets face it, when your heart's not in it, your heart's just not in it. No matter what your head says, no matter what you tell yourself, no matter how you want it to be.

Last night, I gave someone else who's heart isn't in it their release as well.

Happy Birthday to Me.


Because this thing I'm doing? I can't carry anyone else through it. I'm doing it for me. Only me.

And my heart is ALL IN for that.

Which is exactly where it should be.


Time For A Change

I used some un-web-happy colors so if'n it looks hideous to you, let me know. Send me a screen shot or something (my.own.boat(at)gmail.com).

I'm going to the beach.