Change is ... Good?

I noticed, just now, that my nose isn't crooked anymore. Probably because it's a three day weekend and I haven't looked at myself since that picture on Friday morning - I mean, really, why torture myself any more? I'm already an expert. And, it's a farm. I get the distinct feeling the cows don't give a shit and the sheep are too worried about their nakedness after the shearing on Friday afternoon to be looking at me.
So, not crooked. Plus, I think the doctor gave me a little bumpy thing. You know? That little bumpy thing on the end of your nose? Dr. Polite Jason told me that it's not a 'masculine' trait but usually females have it. The bump.
How do I explain that? You know how people have ... oh ... I was going to say "a bump on their nose?"... not very helpful, I expect. Okay, going to look for a picture.
Here is my nose last year (left) and on the right is some poor random lady's nose (errr, thanks, lady) Anyways, the camera's not mine - I borrow it every once in a while - it's not like I need a picture every day so you're getting guessing and representation.
Now, if you *could* see my new profile, it actually looks a bit like this random lady BUT if you look where the arrows are pointing then if you were me last year, that's where it would start and if you were that lady you could feel that's where her bump starts. So now, in real life, I can *almost* see (but I CAN feel) the definition where the nose does the little swoop up into the tip. I never had one of those before.

It's kind of exciting. But kind of not. Anyways, forgive the crappiness of my MSPaint ability but here's what a nose is made up of and there's an arrow pointing at where there's something poking out into my face. Which, if you were me, you could see in those other pictures. According to the diagram, if the doctor put new stuff in the same place the old stuff was - then that makes it bone that's poking out of my face. So, you know, not exciting, that bit, not at all.

But, hey! thanks for 'letting' me bore you and wasting time obsessing over my face (which is kind of stupid and something I haven't really been doing but like I said - wasting time) to make me think about something other than dreading tomorrow for long enough that the painkillers are kicking in and I can go to sleep for a while.
So, not crooked. Plus, I think the doctor gave me a little bumpy thing. You know? That little bumpy thing on the end of your nose? Dr. Polite Jason told me that it's not a 'masculine' trait but usually females have it. The bump.
How do I explain that? You know how people have ... oh ... I was going to say "a bump on their nose?"... not very helpful, I expect. Okay, going to look for a picture.
Here is my nose last year (left) and on the right is some poor random lady's nose (errr, thanks, lady) Anyways, the camera's not mine - I borrow it every once in a while - it's not like I need a picture every day so you're getting guessing and representation.
Now, if you *could* see my new profile, it actually looks a bit like this random lady BUT if you look where the arrows are pointing then if you were me last year, that's where it would start and if you were that lady you could feel that's where her bump starts. So now, in real life, I can *almost* see (but I CAN feel) the definition where the nose does the little swoop up into the tip. I never had one of those before.
It's kind of exciting. But kind of not. Anyways, forgive the crappiness of my MSPaint ability but here's what a nose is made up of and there's an arrow pointing at where there's something poking out into my face. Which, if you were me, you could see in those other pictures. According to the diagram, if the doctor put new stuff in the same place the old stuff was - then that makes it bone that's poking out of my face. So, you know, not exciting, that bit, not at all.
But, hey! thanks for 'letting' me bore you and wasting time obsessing over my face (which is kind of stupid and something I haven't really been doing but like I said - wasting time) to make me think about something other than dreading tomorrow for long enough that the painkillers are kicking in and I can go to sleep for a while.