
A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it's better than no inspiration at all.

~Rita Mae Brown
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.

~Alfred Adler


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  • NOS4A2
    by Joe Hill
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Someone asked me yesterday what I'll be doing in my new job and you know what? I have absolutely no idea.

I know that the three on-call calls I took in the last 12 hours will be some of the last ones I ever take (although I'll get paid 6 hours of OT, which is nice).

I know I passed my test yesterday (YAY!) so I can do the medical transcription. I know I work in the Medical Imaging Department between the 2 big hospitals. I know I have my first month of shifts which works out to about 30 hours a week. I know that those shifts are in two different areas of the department.

But as for what I'll be doing? Nope.

I do know that whatever it is a few people worked really hard to make it available for me. I know that it's during changing shifts in different types of jobs with different kinds of people. I know that the skills I need to do the job are fully accessible and ingrained so there's no need for me to be worried. I know that what they need me to learn I can learn. I know that for the first month I only have to commute an hour a day instead of two. I know that the stress level is about 1/3 and the hourly rate is only $2 less.

When it comes right down to it, what else do I need to know? All that is good enough for me.

It's funny sometimes that when we're younger we just want to get AWAY from shift work and work 'normal' days like the 'grown-ups' - like somehow an 8-4 or 9-5 job signifies somehow that you make more money or are more responsible but in reality, I think I prefer shift-work. Some days I don't start till 2 pm - some days I'm off by 2 pm and during the summer, that's just brilliant I think. I don't have to schedule appointments during work hours which is a pain. I'm free to meet up with friends who have week-days off.

The other kind of neat-o thing is that I can either wear regular clothes and a lab coat or a uniform! Ha! I can just go to Mark's Work Wearhouse and buy whatever hospital type things that look like pj's (or jammies or whatever) in whatever colors I want! I'm totally excited about that. If I work it right, between the military and my job, I will never ever have to decide what to wear in the morning for work again! That rocks.

And, strangely enough, from the A&W uniform to the 7-11 one I wore in my late teens, that's another thing you want to never have to do again.

Youth, so silly! I've come full circle and it looks far far better the second time around, I tell ya.

there are so many ways to wear
what we've got before it's gone

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Reader Comments (1)

You passed the test? Brilliant, well done!!
August 9, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterBlue Witch
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