A Little Bit More of the Farm Life
(Friday the 19th of March) Up at a decent time this morning (830) to have a couple coffees before heading out to meet up with Tim's da, where I learned about how the sheep are bought and sold and Tim updated his dad on how much fencing he'd need for the driveway. Basically it's a 700 metre driveway thats recently been planted with trees and now has to be fenced to keep the sheep from munching them down. Even though the sheep don't much LIKE the leaves of the trees, when you've got 400 head where each of them needs to try a few leaves to decide whether they like the taste, then you don't have trees for very long. All very rational, it is. We dug about on the farm to round up the bits we'd need to build a jerry-rigged fire pot to get a fire going and cook the yabbis outside and will now have a bit of lunch before heading back out again. Yeti will be driving up after work tonight and we'll have a feast with Tim's parents, then head back into Perth in the morning. Tim and I headed out after lunch to figure out a way of transporting and rolling out a 200 kg roll of wire fencing with only the two of us (we ended up sliding a length of pipe through the middle and using a chain to hook it to the bucket of the tractor with me standing on the end and walking over it as he backed the tractor up) and then stopped by the house again to pick up Heidi and their new baby, Hamish, for his first 'fishing trip'. The two traps in the first dam yeilded about 12 yabbies only but they were really big ones. At the second dam we got about 25 per trap so the five traps all together gave us plenty for dinner. There seems to be a bit of a debate about whether the yabbies are actually carnivorous and why exactly they eat the parrots but Heidi said that she'd heard they strip them down because the rotting animal is a contaminent in the water and needs to be removed so it won't pollute their environment. Regardless of why they do it - they're super effective at it - one of the parrots was stripped completely down to bone in 24 hours and the rest were 90% of the way there. We dumped them all out on the lawn to be rinsed off and I played around a little with one for pictures before handing them off to Heidi so she could kill them by dunking them in hot water; twist their heads off; and pull out whatever that vein is before tossing them in the pot. I ate a few as is - this, of course, being the way we would normally each things such as this back home - pick and peel shrimp-like and they were very good, very rich, and tasted like little lobsters. Everyone else got hunks of fresh homemade bread, slapped on some butter, slathered on a layer of 'dianne' sauce (mayo, tomato sauce, lemon), piled on the yabbies and ate them like a sandwich. I tried that and somehow the combination of it all totally turned me right off. I couldn't even look at them anymore and the smell was starting to make me nauseous. Weird. Friday night was the first night of three that the Shire was running a fox hunt - basically everyone goes out with spotlights and shoots as many as they can and the Shire will pay $5 a head to a local charity. Sounds bad, I know, but when you consider that these are all farmers and the fox is not only an introduced species with no natural predators here whom kill the baby lambs, it starts to make sense. I'd digress here about the introduced species; camels; cane toads; foxes; rabbits etc, and the irrevocable harm they've done to the land and native animals of Australia but I'm sure you're all well aware of their struggles in this regard, so there'll be no digressing.