Whoa Nally, You're About to Become Just a Chip!

So, here's the thing. It looks like I'll be in basic training every weekend September through February and I'm pretty sure they won't be liking me carrying a pager so - regardless of whether or not I even wanted to tough this job out - I'm going to have to make a choice in a couple of months.
Which brings me to the planning ahead portion of my life. Which, until I decided on this trip as the direction I was taking - planning has never been a part of my life. I didn't know what I wanted - how could I plan?
So, searching out other employment possibilities, totalling up how much of my benefits are left, math and figures and lists...
One of the things I've been using my extra money for in preparation for next year is paying off the credit cards.
Now, last year, I was finally in a position to GET cards after a very many years and a story I will probably never tell you (not because it makes me look bad, because it doesn't, but because it has no place on my good ship bloggy-pop). Then, there was many vet bills, vacations, flights to see Matt, two months without income and a 1,000 kilometre move.
I've managed to actually make all the payments on them and achieve my little goal of rebuilding the shit out of my credit but, totalling up interest charges the other day almost put me into cardiac arrest. Cause, you know, no credit history = HIGH interest. Like 23%.
So I called my credit union about consolidation and they thought that was a fantastic idea. Except, you know, I didn't live there anymore so they couldn't do it.
I don't live in the city where my bank is so they won't give me a consolidation /personal/ RRSP/ anykind loan.
Should I say that again? It just seems so utterly fucking ALIEN to the century we live in.
Today, I went to my old bank where I opened an account with my high-school sweetheart's mom and where my PIN number is still the size of his... .... .... ... engine and I consolidated my credit card debt.
This seems like such a simple thing, I know. But believe you me, when you've been in a bad /no credit position for very many years - nothing is assured. All of these kinds of things are approached by me with extreme trepidation becuase any time I've thought I've actually been in a good position with a low debt ratio - no one else has. Suddenly, I'm all growed up and financially intelligent! Yay!
It felt really good to cut those babies up though. And watch the teller pay them off.
The pressure of the minimum payments is off, which cuts me some slack for whatever my next decision is and for now, my budgeting plan goes into high gear and I can almost hear the extra payments hitting the books already.
Feels good.
Back on the farm, a new horse arrived yesterday. "I Finally Done It" is his registered name. Nally - for short.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder about people.
Anyways, he's a 5 year old barrel racing quarterhorse who just never grew quite big enough to cut it. Stef and I took him for his first little ride to test the saddle she picked up and to fit his spanking new bridle.
Now, it's been a few years since I've ridden and Stef's just getting back into it and man, we all know the horses know this, right? It's the *wink wink* oh ho! I know that you know that I know that YOU don't really know what you're doing!" It's just one big TEST, innit?
Anyways, the little shit eventually threw me. Well, mostly threw me. Cause I'm tenacious that way.
I couldn't quite get back up into the saddle though and finally, just had to wrestle my feet free of the stirrups (we're gonna have to replace those babies) and endeavor to hit the ground and get clear of him.
In which case, his smaller size is a definite bonus since it probably saved me from a broken leg and quite possibly - a second new face in the space of a month.
I have to say that the last time I was thrown I was only thirteen so it seems I have finally learned something all these years later and got right back on to walk him home.
Man, an adreneline rush from something *good* as opposed to one from job stress, panic or fear for your own life and the lives of others was fantastic though. Wheeeeeeeeeee!
Which brings me to the planning ahead portion of my life. Which, until I decided on this trip as the direction I was taking - planning has never been a part of my life. I didn't know what I wanted - how could I plan?
So, searching out other employment possibilities, totalling up how much of my benefits are left, math and figures and lists...
One of the things I've been using my extra money for in preparation for next year is paying off the credit cards.
Now, last year, I was finally in a position to GET cards after a very many years and a story I will probably never tell you (not because it makes me look bad, because it doesn't, but because it has no place on my good ship bloggy-pop). Then, there was many vet bills, vacations, flights to see Matt, two months without income and a 1,000 kilometre move.
I've managed to actually make all the payments on them and achieve my little goal of rebuilding the shit out of my credit but, totalling up interest charges the other day almost put me into cardiac arrest. Cause, you know, no credit history = HIGH interest. Like 23%.
So I called my credit union about consolidation and they thought that was a fantastic idea. Except, you know, I didn't live there anymore so they couldn't do it.
I don't live in the city where my bank is so they won't give me a consolidation /personal/ RRSP/ anykind loan.
Should I say that again? It just seems so utterly fucking ALIEN to the century we live in.
Today, I went to my old bank where I opened an account with my high-school sweetheart's mom and where my PIN number is still the size of his... .... .... ... engine and I consolidated my credit card debt.
This seems like such a simple thing, I know. But believe you me, when you've been in a bad /no credit position for very many years - nothing is assured. All of these kinds of things are approached by me with extreme trepidation becuase any time I've thought I've actually been in a good position with a low debt ratio - no one else has. Suddenly, I'm all growed up and financially intelligent! Yay!
It felt really good to cut those babies up though. And watch the teller pay them off.
The pressure of the minimum payments is off, which cuts me some slack for whatever my next decision is and for now, my budgeting plan goes into high gear and I can almost hear the extra payments hitting the books already.
Feels good.
Back on the farm, a new horse arrived yesterday. "I Finally Done It" is his registered name. Nally - for short.
Honestly, sometimes I wonder about people.
Anyways, he's a 5 year old barrel racing quarterhorse who just never grew quite big enough to cut it. Stef and I took him for his first little ride to test the saddle she picked up and to fit his spanking new bridle.
Now, it's been a few years since I've ridden and Stef's just getting back into it and man, we all know the horses know this, right? It's the *wink wink* oh ho! I know that you know that I know that YOU don't really know what you're doing!" It's just one big TEST, innit?
Anyways, the little shit eventually threw me. Well, mostly threw me. Cause I'm tenacious that way.
I couldn't quite get back up into the saddle though and finally, just had to wrestle my feet free of the stirrups (we're gonna have to replace those babies) and endeavor to hit the ground and get clear of him.
In which case, his smaller size is a definite bonus since it probably saved me from a broken leg and quite possibly - a second new face in the space of a month.
I have to say that the last time I was thrown I was only thirteen so it seems I have finally learned something all these years later and got right back on to walk him home.
Man, an adreneline rush from something *good* as opposed to one from job stress, panic or fear for your own life and the lives of others was fantastic though. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

Reader Comments (3)
Seriously, dude, you are going to LOVE Costa Rica.
(By the way, the longass post about the trip is finally up...after only 5.5 hours of dicking around with code and shit.)
Shocked to hear about the accident - but really pleased that you're on the mend and able to get back on with life again so soon.